Something happened in December

As you may know, the first instalment of The Grace Bible went on sale at the start of last month. What you don’t know is that by the end of the month that little book had become my second-best selling book for the whole year. It outsold all my other titles except for The Gospel in Ten Words.

Which is kind of incredible.

If you bought The Grace Bible: 1-3 John & Jude, thank you. And if you bought copies to give away, double-thanks!

So what happens now?

I am presently working hard on the second and third instalments of The Grace Bible. I will let you know more about these in my next update. In the meantime, I wonder if you could do me a small favor.

If you share my belief that The Grace Bible is a useful tool for helping people grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, would you please consider:

  1. Posting a 5-star review on Amazon (or Goodreads, Barnes & Noble)
  2. Adding a link to the Grace Bible website on your website
  3. Sharing a post from the Grace Bible’s Instagram or Facebook pages
  4. Posting a pic of yourself holding a Grace Bible with the tag #thegracebible

None of these things will take more than a few minutes of your time, but they will help the message of grace reach those who need to hear it. I’m serious about this. You would be surprised the number of times people tell me they heard about grace because a friend shared something on social media.

Doing even one or two of the things on that list could potentially be a catalyst for bringing someone to grace.

Thanks for helping to get the word out, and Happy New Year,


PS: New installments of The Grace Bible will be released soon. Sign up to get sneak peeks and to be the first to know:

1 thought on “Something happened in December

  1. I want to thank you for your post . Learning about and leaning on Grace of God.

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